Fundação Padre Albino
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The Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) encompasses projects that promote the involvement of teachers and students, with different geographical origins, languages and cultures, for the development of collaborative teaching and learning processes using online communication tools. COIL projects are an accessible alternative to democratize the internationalization experiences for students and teachers, as well as an opportunity to enrich the process of building individual and collective knowledge, offering a challenging dynamic of working in heterogeneous teams.

In 2023, UNIFIPA began its participation in the project with the University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal and the São Paulo State University (UNESP) of Botucatu, Brazil.

The COIL UA/UNESP/UNIFIPA project, developed through a multidisciplinary approach, aims at academic and professional integration for Portuguese and Brazilian students of Biomedical Sciences and addresses basic and applied research topics in the area of Human Reproduction and possible therapeutic interventions for the infertility treatment and contraception.

At the end of the project, students are expected to develop skills in: (i) international and multicultural cooperation, (ii) development of group projects with international collaborators, (iii) integrated knowledge in pharmacology, pathology and reproductive biology, (iv) scientific communication, and (v) critical analysis and innovative thinking on a given topic.

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