Fundação Padre Albino
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Padre Albino Foundation

Padre Albino Foundation (FPA) is a philanthropic legal entity, founded on March 27, 1968 by Monsignor Albino Alves da Cunha e Silva, who died in 1973. Monsignor Albino fought and worked to build the heritage of the community of Catanduva. Initially, his concern was for social promotion and the improvement of the living conditions of the needy, especially the sick people, and this won the support of the community for the construction of the Padre Albino’s Hospital.

The Foundation has five decades of experience in higher education, with the creation of the Medical School of Catanduva (FAMECA) in 1969. After FAMECA, the Faculty of Business (FAECA) was founded in 1972 and Faculty of Physical Education (ESEFIC) in 1973. Later, the Faculty of Nursing of Catanduva (FEC) was created in 2000 and the Law School in 2002.

As of April 2007, the Faculties of the Padre Albino Foundation have become Integrated Faculties Padre Albino (FIPA), result of the integration of the isolated Courses (Business, Law School, Physical Education, Nursing and Medicine). In 2010, the courses of Physical Education (Bachelor's) and Biomedicine were created, and in 2011, the Pedagogy course.

In 2017, FIPA was accredited as Padre Albino University Center (UNIFIPA). The entire institution undergoes increasing changes such as expansion of the Campus physical structure, expansion of courses and, consequently, the number of students, besides university autonomy and the pedagogical organizational model. In 2017, the Agronomic Engineering course was implemented. In 2018, the Pharmacy course was created, which extends the offered health-care grid.

The Padre Albino Foundation also maintains the Catanduva College / Application focused on elementary and secondary education.

School Hospitals
Padre Albino Hospital

Padre Albino Hospital began its work in 1926 and today is a reference in procedures of medium and high complexity. Interesting to observe the ancient architecture that mixes with the modern through its new facilities.

Emílio Carlos Hospital

Emílio Carlos Hospital, maintained by the Albino Foundation since 1983, is a reference for the population of 19 municipalities and has as a great differential the Chemotherapy Service.

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