Fundação Padre Albino
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IFMSA, the International Federation of Medical Student Associations, is the largest student organization on the planet, bringing together more than 1.3 million medical students in more than 130 countries. With the objective of representing its members, it offers an environment for discussing the demands of medical students at the local, regional and national levels, thus providing knowledge in medical graduation that goes beyond what is foreseen in the curricula. This knowledge is disseminated through the development of core activities in the six main fields of health. These health fields are organized into the following axes which promote the holding of events that seek to disseminate health education at the local level: SCORP (Human Rights and Peace), SCOPH (Public Health), SCORA (Health and sexual and reproductive rights including HIV and AIDS) and SCOME (Medical Education).

Finally, IFMSA also has experience in promoting student, national and international, clinical-surgical (SCOPE, with practical activities in the hospital mainly) and research (SCORE, activities in laboratories and research centers) exchanges or even both (SCONE) in order to promote experiences in new health perspectives.

All this cultural and linguistic learning, personal growth, independence and opportunities contribute to the construction of doctors capable of making a difference.

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